For the majority of women the menstrual cycle is either: You get pregnant or you get your period.
BUT…. 👇
1. It’s not just for fertility/baby making (this is how we make our hormones ladies)
2. Each phase (follicular/ovulation/period/luteal) tells you so much about what’s going on in your body
3. You get your built-in personal health checkup every month (This still fascinates me!)
4. Once you tune into each phase, you actually get to know yourself more ( I am such an extrovert, but during the luteal phase I tend to reduce that naturally. Now that I know, I don’t think something is “wrong” with me)
5. Think of your period as a show, where ovulation is the absolute star. If you don’t ovulate, your show is going to get a 1 star rating
Don’t be a poopy pumpkin and hate your period!
Understand it.
And once you do, you will actually look forward to it! (Believe it or not 😜)